# | Name | Released at |
87 | The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! | 1966-06-27 |
84 | Karlheinz Stockhausen - Elektronische Musik | 1967 |
97 | George Harrison - Electronic Sound | 1969-05-02 |
73 | Moondog - Moondog | 1969 |
24 | Iannis Xenakis - Alpha & Omega | 1970 |
63 | Faust - Faust | 1971 |
70 | Jean Dubuffet - Musical Experiences | 1973 |
12 | The Residents - Meet The Residents | 1974 |
27 | Michel Chion - Requiem | 1978 |
19 | Bernard Parmegiani - Chants magnétiques | 1979 |
31 | Alvin Curran - Natural History | 1983 |
54 | The Hafler Trio - "Bang!" - An Open Letter | 1984-05 |
11 | John Zorn - Cobra | 1987 |
88 | Capricorni Pneumatici - Witchcraft | 1989 |
14 | Vladimir Ussachevsky - Film Music | 1990 |
15 | Pierre Schaeffer - L'œuvre Musicale | 1990 |
64 | Z'EV - Opus 3.1 | 1990 |
57 | Lieutenant Caramel - Lieutenant Caramel | 1991 |
75 | John Duncan - River In Flames | 1991 |
60 | Tom Fahy - Adytum | 1994-01-02 |
46 | Manon Anne Gillis - Euragine | 1994 |
37 | Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat | 1995 |
69 | Timeblind - Solar Life Raft: The Ingredients | 1996-12-31 |
74 | Timeblind - Solar Life Raft: Ingredients | 1996-12-31 |
21 | Various Artists - GOZOMBIE Growing Compilation | 1997 |
25 | Spooky Tooth - Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1997 |
28 | Alec Empire - The Geist of Alec Empire | 1997 |
79 | Brume - Charlemagne | 1997 |
90 | Various Artists - Apskaft Presents: Musique Concrete Collective | 1997 |
45 | Squarepusher - Music Is Rotted One Note | 1998-10-12 |
43 | Darren Copeland - Rendu Visible | 1998 |
26 | The Olivia Tremor Control - Black Foliage: Animation Music | 1999-04-00 |
1 | Squarepusher - Maximum Priest EP | 1999-07-16 |
86 | Squarepusher - Selection Sixteen | 1999-11-08 |
85 | Steve Roden / in be tween noise - Chair (A Subscape Of Resonace) | 1999 |
50 | Kevin Drumm & Martin Tétreault - Particles and Smears | 2000 |
82 | The Gerogerigegege - Early Dream Exit | 2000 |
99 | Kevin Drumm / Martin Tétreault - Particles and Smears | 2000 |
66 | Alial Straa - Tunnels / Stairwell | 2001-04-00 |
20 | Else Marie Pade - Et Glasperlespil | 2001 |
35 | The Hafler Trio - Bang! An Open Letter | 2001 |
89 | Squarepusher - Do You Know Squarepusher | 2002-09-30 |
32 | Mank - Death Studies | 2002 |
91 | Matter - [Vacuum] | 2002 |
52 | John Oswald - Aparanthesi | 2003 |
58 | Squarepusher - Ultravisitor | 2004-03-03 |
42 | Naing Naing - Toothbrush fever | 2004-10-10 |
23 | Naing Naing - Toad Fever (Limited edition) | 2004-10-24 |
33 | Ahnenerbe - Nacht und Nebel | 2004 |
92 | Meri von KleinSmid - Ex Vivo | 2005-01-01 |
9 | Gultskra Artikler - Lusha | 2005 |
16 | Jeremy Smoking Jacket - Now we are dead and other stories | 2005 |
61 | Jeremy Smoking Jacket - Live on Resonance fm at The Tate Britain | 2005 |
96 | Jeremy Smoking Jacket - Now We Are Dead (and other stories) | 2005 |
10 | KASHIWA Daisuke - april.#02 | 2006-02-13 |
71 | Ceptual - Shifts Personal | 2006-05-11 |
67 | Lieutenant Caramel - Early Tape Works | 2006-12-30 |
76 | Unidentified Sound Object - Unidentified Sound Object | 2006 |
44 | Stephen Walter - Monocline | 2007-01-12 |
36 | Martin Tétreault & Kid Koala - Phon-O-Victo | 2007 |
55 | Angelo Petronella - Sintesi da un Diario | 2007 |
80 | Giorgos Stefanou - Internal Sonic Pathway | 2008-02 |
39 | Pierre Schaeffer - Schaeffer: Five Studies of Noises | 2008-05-00 |
68 | Proyecto de Prueba - Demo | 2008-08-18 |
18 | Alec Empire - Les Étoiles Des Filles Mortes | 2008-11-11 |
6 | Æthenor - Betimes Black Cloudmasses | 2008 |
93 | John Hudak - Miss Dove, Mr. Dove | 2008 |
78 | Aitänna77 - Buenas son tortas | 2009-02-20 |
65 | Robin Hayward / Rhodri Davies / Taku Unami - valved strings calculator | 2009-03 |
29 | Jgrzinich - time's arrow landing | 2009-05-07 |
7 | Luc Ferrari - L'Œuvre Électronique | 2009-05 |
40 | Malty Media - Buk Buk Buk EP | 2009-12-06 |
4 | Ghédalia Tazartès - Repas Froid | 2009 |
53 | Pilot Cloud - Halcyon [EP] | 2010-02-23 |
77 | Elektrolandmusik - automat | 2010-03-12 |
41 | Kuupuu - Spring High Spiritual Spree Spray Ray | 2010-06-30 |
48 | Radikal Satan - Clochette | 2010 |
59 | akaaka - Anatomy | 2010 |
62 | Sorrow of the Sun (and the Scarlet Sparrows) - Sorrow Of The Sun And The Scarlet Sparrows-A Haunted Fairytale | 2010 |
34 | Sejdman - Invisible Bells | 2011-03-21 |
2 | Ocelote Rojo - Pacarina | 2011-03-22 |
17 | Lizard Kisses - Sleeping In | 2011-04-18 |
3 | 2muchachos - teplaja EP | 2011-06-13 |
94 | Dntel - Clelia II [basic_sounds - bsc_011] | 2011-06-30 |
81 | MAS & Travis McAlister - The Fade Out Room | 2011-12-08 |
49 | Victim! - Lacuna | 2011 |
98 | Naing Naing - Live session on Radio Aligre (Songs of Praise 16-07-08) | 2011 |
5 | múm - Early Birds | 2012-06-01 |
47 | Bisamråtta - Bisamråtta (LP) | 2012-08-05 |
100 | Orquere - Untitled | 2012-09-26 |
8 | Baths - Obsidian | 2013-05-28 |
95 | Convivial Cannibal - Let Your Face Shine On Your Servant | 2013-07-17 |
13 | Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven | 2013-09-21 |
56 | Iduvigik - Laulud lindudelt | 2013 |
83 | RENEGADE ANDROiD - COMPUTERS | 2014-02-14 |
30 | Siriusmo - Dancing Monkey / Fly High | 2014-04-19 |
38 | EUS - Reviraje | 2016-01-31 |
51 | Off Land - Circadian | 2016-12-16 |
22 | James Rushford - The Body's Night | 2019 |
72 | Ecovillage - beko_80 | 2020-02-07 |